As some of you may have noticed, the website got a massive overhaul this the weekend. While the update is by no means perfect, hopefully you can now show the site to all your friends without shame. Or, at the very least, with less shame. I mean, sure, we’re cranking out the same crude, juvenile humor that has come to define Haiku Comics over the past six month — but the pig’s wearing lipstick now, you know what I’m saying?
Of course, there’s still a lot of fine tuning to be done. We’ve temporarily had to remove the archive pages, for instance (all of the comics are still available if you click through them in the main navigation). We still don’t yet have a proper logo. And the sidebar needs some work. We’ll get to these issues as we have time.
Anyway, Bob and I hope the the redesign is to your liking. It’s definitely an improvement, right? You can let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Woo! I think it looks awesome.
Very nicely done.
Like the new look, guys. And I hope you don’t mind, but I ‘borrowed’ your sidebar image and placed it on my blog, linking it to your site. Hopefully that will give my readers (reader?) more of an understanding of what your strips really are about and draw more traffic your way. But if you’d rather me not use the image, let me know, and it will be taken down in two shakes of a unicorn’s tail.
I think I speak for both of us when I say … Go for it.
Mind? Not in the least. That’s very generous of you.