By Nathan Olsen & Robert Olsen

Have You Taken Our Poll?

On Monday, I posted a poll. You might have seen it. It looks like this:

Of the following comics, which three do you like the most? (Click on the titles to view the comics.)

Total Voters: 17

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Chances are, you looked over the poll and, for whatever reason, thought to yourself, “I know that the guys who make this comic work really hard at it and all they’re asking me to do is answer a simple poll, but there are so many funny cat videos I still need to watch. Hmm. I’m sure there will be plenty of other people who will respond to the poll, right? They don’t really need my input, do they?”

Yeah, well, here is the thing about that. As of this writing, we have only had nine responses to the poll. Nine. Come on, guys, help us out here and give us some feedback. We are a small operation and we need your support. All we want to know is what you think about some comics. So show us some love, okay?

Thank you.

Poll: What Are Your Favorite Comics?

Bob and I would like to ask a favor. It’s not much really, considering that we slave over these comics and give them away to you for nothing. What we would like? Some feedback.

Using the poll that has been included below (RSS feed subscribers may need to view the full post to reply to the poll), we would really appreciate it if you would take a moment to review the comics we have listed and let us know which are your top three favorites. It shouldn’t take very long for you to look through the list, so if you could spare a few seconds to let us know what you think, it would mean a lot to us. It’s sometimes really difficult to know what strips work and what strips don’t without some feedback from our readers.

You will notice that many comics have been excluded from this list. As some of our own favorites have been left off of the list so, most likely, have some of your favorites have been left off of the list as well. There is a reason why these particular comics were chosen for this poll, so please respond in that spirit. Even if none of the comics on this list are your all-time favorites, if you could let us know which three you like the best it would really help.

Thanks a lot everyone!

Of the following comics, which three do you like the most? (Click on the titles to view the comics.)

Total Voters: 17

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(Because of caching, poll results may not update in real time.)


Haiku Comics often pokes fun at the horror film genre and may contain humorous drawings of nudity and violence not suitable for children or the workplace.