Celebrating Haiku Comics’ 100th comic strip!
Haiku Comics often pokes fun at the horror film genre and may contain humorous drawings of nudity and violence not suitable for children or the workplace.
By Nathan Olsen & Robert Olsen
Celebrating Haiku Comics’ 100th comic strip!
Haiku Comics often pokes fun at the horror film genre and may contain humorous drawings of nudity and violence not suitable for children or the workplace.
Comments (9)
CONGRATS ON YOUR CENTENNIAL STRIP! Here’s to a hundred more.
It’s always good to see the return of Zombie Baby.
That kids a real “Do-It-Yourselfer”!
As if a fireman’s job wasn’t hazardous enough already, now they have to contend with fireproof zombie munchkins munching on them.
So is that blood around the zombie baby or…aw, nevermind.
Thanks guys! Bob and I really appreciate your support. It’s hard keeping a project like this alive, let alone to nurture and grow it into something more than just a hobby. I would really love to see what I could do with the art for Haiku Comics if I could give it more time — because I can draw.
While it’s great to say that we’ve been able to keep to our deadlines, I am far more proud that, for the most part, we’ve managed to keep the quality of the strip up no matter what’s been thrown our way.
Thanks a lot for reading!
Show off!!!
heh…keep the project alive…at the expense of your victims…er…faithful readers
I had already seen the Lovebot_02 pic (or, as I call it, Lovebot Conquers Chinatown) on your webpage and thought it was awesome. In fact, it was my desktop background for quite a while. Thanks for the links to the others. Lovebot_06 blew my freakin’ mind!
You haven’t “kept” the quality, you’ve greatly improved it!