I thought the sweat on the brow in the second panel was brains or something.
That is probably because I am a lousy artist. Someday? They’ll replace me with someone who knows how to render the hell out of sweat. You know, make you feel it in your bones. Maybe it will be a robot even. The T1000-AM (Art Machine).
And we all know where that’ll lead.
ummm… Jehovah’s Witnesses…
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Haiku Comics often pokes fun at the horror film genre and may contain humorous drawings of nudity and violence not suitable for children or the workplace.
Comments (10)
…uh…candygram…i’m only a dolphin, ma’am…
Better be good pizza.
Brain Lovers!
I’m just impressed by the mental acuity that this zombie has!
that’s what happens when a haikucomics contributor goes zombie
Wellsire…ya aim fer tha head. Make it quick. And remember Rule #4; “Double Tap”.
haha, it’s like the opposite scenario of the optipess comic Zombie Pizza! http://www.optipess.com/2009/01/21/zombie-pizza/
I thought the sweat on the brow in the second panel was brains or something.
That is probably because I am a lousy artist. Someday? They’ll replace me with someone who knows how to render the hell out of sweat. You know, make you feel it in your bones. Maybe it will be a robot even. The T1000-AM (Art Machine).
And we all know where that’ll lead.
ummm… Jehovah’s Witnesses…