By Nathan Olsen & Robert Olsen

Comments (12)

  1. HAHAHA!! Not sure which part of this I love best! took a bit to figure out what potus was checkin out…too slow…LOL!!!

  2. Who are we to judge? Sure, they may behave oddly, but this is a race that has mastered space and time. They move freely among the stars, exploring new worlds and new civilizations. Theirs is an intelligence so advanced that humanity couldn’t hope grasp the subtle intricacies of their culture and dress.

    But still, yeah, you’ve gotta wonder.

    Alien leader drawn by Nathan Olsen of Haiku Comics.

      • maybe that’s why he get to wear the big kahoona’s hat? talk about status symbols. now have a good look at his staff….the big weenie with all his little weenies all around

  3. Well, you know what they say about aliens who dart about the galaxy wearing big dick head gear; they’re probably compensating for inadequacies elsewhere. I bet it crusies around in a oversized mothership too. Is that a side arm disinegrater in its pocket or is it just happy to see an attractive terrestrial? Always glad to see when the…”things” are back in town. Would explain why it’s not going so smooth in D.C. right now.

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Haiku Comics often pokes fun at the horror film genre and may contain humorous drawings of nudity and violence not suitable for children or the workplace.