By Nathan Olsen & Robert Olsen

Comments (6)

      • If you’re going to have a last stand, you might well have it while enjoying the cold, refreshing taste of a Mr. Frosty’s Soft Serve Strawberry Swirled Chocoholic Double Scoop Ice Cream Super Cone With Raisins ™.

        At Mr. Frosty’s, everything comes with “raisins.”

  1. All too true! This is WAY better than being held up at the local mall or the Windchester Pub surrounded by zombies. You got all the necessities to survive at a Mr. Frosty’s fast food joint. And those oversized letters give ya a perfect aiming rest for yer huntin’ rifle.

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Haiku Comics often pokes fun at the horror film genre and may contain humorous drawings of nudity and violence not suitable for children or the workplace.