Haiku Comics often pokes fun at the horror film genre and may contain humorous drawings of nudity and violence not suitable for children or the workplace.
By Nathan Olsen & Robert Olsen
Haiku Comics often pokes fun at the horror film genre and may contain humorous drawings of nudity and violence not suitable for children or the workplace.
Comments (13)
That cat must have had braces.
Have you guys had similar run-ins with your babies?! ;-)
You changed the first panel :o
and your format!
Hey guys!
Back from my sojourn into the mountains of Colorado, and glad to have my Haiku Comics fix again. Great things while I was gone…and, I’m assuming you already know this, but Rue Morgue Magazine (www.rue-morgue.com) named your site in their ‘Roadkill From The Info Highway’ section of their latest issue.
It’s about time they started listening to my e-mails!
Actually, I know I didn’t know this bit. That’s awesome J, thanks for the pimpin!
I didn’t know this either! Cool beans! I guess I’ll have to track down a copy of the magazine and take a look.
The Borders I hit up still had issue #89. I’m actually not all that familiar with the magazine but, flipping through it, it’s awesome. I’m really excited that they chose to mention us.
Thanks again, Jonny!
The mention is in the June issue, #90. You should definitely keep an eye out for it. I have a subscription, although I probably won’t be able to renew it due to the decreasing page count and ever-increasing sticker price. Damn inflation! Everything goes up but my wages!
I’m just glad I could do my part to help promote this twisted little site. My motives weren’t entirely unselfish, though, I must confess. You said a while back that you would start merchandising when you gained 10,000 or more fans.
Jonny wants a Zombie Baby statuette, dammit!
You just need to start writing for Rue Morgue and then they’ll comp you a subscription. They are apparently reading your emails now, so get on that. :-D
There’s good news on the promotion front. For the month of May, we had just over 5,800 unique visitors and more than 21,000 page views. Wow! We’re starting to see some good traffic but I think it’s going to take a little more time for a fan base to really develop. Every little bit helps.
They’ve also posted a link (and the brief write-up from the magazine) on their webpage, so hopefully that will bring you a few more visitors, too.
This is my life! Esmerelda controls the humans, and the dogs!
-Auntie K-
Reminds me of the Cheshire cat, and I love both of their expressions in the last panel.